BattleZone Wrestling Inc.
Digital Waiver Form
In consideration of the undersigned individual using our property, we the undersigned on behalf of ourselves and our heirs and all others, do hereby assume all the risks and hazards in the use of the property at 257 Main Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 and do hereby waiver, release and discharge BattleZone Wrestling Inc. from any and all claims for injuries, sickness, damages or losses directly or indirectly related using the property at 257 Main Street Wadsworth, Ohio 44281. We realize we are assuming all risks and that we are releasing those parties herein identified and advance of any occurrence from all claims including those arising from negligence and/or omission. If the undersigned individual: ever attempt to disaffirm this release, the undersigned parent/guardian herby agrees to defend and completely indemnify those hereby release as a result of any such effort or resultant judgment, claim, loss or suit.
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 our facility will be cleaned daily. With people coming in and out of the facility BattleZone Wrestling Inc. is not responsible for any sicknesses in the facility. Signing this form also releases you/athletes to participate in activities in our facility. This form also states you are not entering this facility with any current symptoms of the sickness.